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Help,about the low speed.....

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Hello everybody!
I have 3 computers at home, use a router to share chello ,when one computer connects,download speed will be about 150kb/s,but when 2 computers connect at a time,the download speed is 3kb/s.................even the surf on internet turns very slow

Is this caused by figuration of router?

Thank you for your help!!!
could you run 'netstat -s' and copy-past the output in a new message on this board?
Now it seems no problem,but it do doesnt work well sometimes

IPv4 Statistics

Packets Received = 346242
Received Header Errors = 0
Received Address Errors = 36
Datagrams Forwarded = 25
Unknown Protocols Received = 0
Received Packets Discarded = 28522
Received Packets Delivered = 317669
Output Requests = 1713394
Routing Discards = 0
Discarded Output Packets = 18
Output Packet No Route = 31
Reassembly Required = 2
Reassembly Successful = 1
Reassembly Failures = 0
Datagrams Successfully Fragmented = 0
Datagrams Failing Fragmentation = 0
Fragments Created = 0

ICMPv4 Statistics

Received Sent
Messages 34453 1405812
Errors 0 126
Destination Unreachable 4889 15
Time Exceeded 7305 0
Parameter Problems 0 0
Source Quenches 0 0
Redirects 0 0
Echos 4 1405650
Echo Replies 22255 4
Timestamps 0 0
Timestamp Replies 0 0
Address Masks 0 0
Address Mask Replies 0 0

TCP Statistics for IPv4

Active Opens = 35532
Passive Opens = 49
Failed Connection Attempts = 30900
Reset Connections = 1208
Current Connections = 7
Segments Received = 270884
Segments Sent = 230308
Segments Retransmitted = 64113

UDP Statistics for IPv4

Datagrams Received = 12251
No Ports = 34518
Receive Errors = 0
Datagrams Sent = 13094
It shows "request time out",when I ping every website if 3 computers connect at a time
How did you configure the clients? Are they using DHCP?
yes,they are using DHCP

Every thing goes well when the connection beginning,but after a while,speed becomes very slow,even can not open website,the more time you connect,the slower it becomes.I mean with 2 computers connect at a time.
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